Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everything Pumpkin!

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

I had them before Starbucks!! ... and mine are way better, they actually have FLAVOR. Okay, so Garrett's work was having a baked goodies day with a fall theme. We came up with pumpkin cupcakes filled with cream cheese, then delicately slathered with a pumpkin cream cheese frosting. It's 5:30 the night before goodie day. We head to the grocery store to get a few necessary ingredients including (especially!) pumpkin. I search high and low, and then find a small sign that apologizes "there is a pumpkin shortage due to the seasons poor yield and they will temporarily be out of canned pumpkin". WHAT?? NO!! Options... sweet potato? Butternut squash? Okay, I can work with that. Garrett veto's that immediately, he's the new guy in town and wants to make a good impression. He's not buying that a sweet potato cupcake will taste good, and he reminds me he's committed to pumpkin. Fine. We find a reasonably small pumpkin (yes a whole, real pumpkin) and head home. I get dinner rolling, and then set out to cook the pumpkin so I can puree it, cool it and then bake with it. A few hours and several glasses of wine later, it all worked out. Here is the picture of the cupcakes (at about midnight!) cooling to be frosted. They turned out to be fantastic and beautiful, and worth the adventure. It's surprising how little pumpkin puree a big hunk of pumpkin actually yields when all is said and done. No worries though folks, apparently the canned stuff is back on the shelves :)

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